Terra from orbit
The blue marble. The cradle of Terran civilization. This is where it all begins
There's no one way to play Sol Invictus. It is an open-ended game where players decide what they want to do by themselves.
The game features a variety of independent progression paths: for those that want to explore Science, Industry, Military, and more.
Every celestial body in Sol Invictus can be explored. You can find resources, crashed ships, distress beacons, and more!
Start by filling out your Passport Application to get you through space customs.
From there you'll unlock more features and content to explore.
The blue marble. The cradle of Terran civilization. This is where it all begins
An orbital station near Saturn provides recharging and rearming capabilities
A Command Ship from the passing Federation fleet looms through the heavy rainfall
This galactic garden is essential for the nutrition of spaceborne crew
A scout ship approaches a station designed for exploration and science
A Corvette heads to Ophir Planum, Mars to secure a burgeoning colony
A small infantry team works together to secure a strategic objective
Star-forming nebulas like these are the stellar nurseries of the galaxy